World’s most advanced Data Tracking App is here.
smartapp saves money by keeping you in control of your data usage.It helps you keep a daily track of your 3G & Wifi usage and keeps you alerted with its unique forecasting feature.
It is the most feature rich App of its kind. Key features of this App are:
1. Daily 3G/4G Data Usage Tracking
2. Daily/weekly/monthly trend analysis
3. 3G/Wifi usage on Map
4. Forecasting to give you timely alerts
5. Daily & Overall Wifi tracking
6. International Data Roaming tracking with ability to add Roaming Pack
7. Share your usage with your friends.
For lazy fingers, we also have a pretty nifty Today’s Widget which gives you a quick glance at your daily consumption & targeted consumption.
This App works with Prepaid & Postpaid plans across all global carriers. This app maintains full privacy and doesn’t store any of your data at our end. Easy to use with no login & sign up requirements.